Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Long Run Fabulous-ness!

Monday night I was trying to convince myself to run.  I hadn't run and I knew that the likelihood I would get out for a long run later in the week was slim due to the fact that the heat is CRAZY here!  So..running a long distance would be extremely tough in 100+ degree weather!  I just kept making excuses.

And husband goes "Just go run Christine."  I told him that I just wasn't going to go.  I just didn't have the energy.  Well...then I just said....F**k it--I need to go.

My goal was 4 miles.  Honestly I just wanted to do 4 miles--however, there is this loop.  A loop my husband had done--but I hadn't ever ventured out that far--and well before I left I told my darling husband that I wasn't sure what I was going to do--4 miles or the loop.  Well, a mile in I was feeling good!  I was in control and feeling strong!  So...I made the decision to go for it.

It wasn't until past a mile that I realized my Nike+ app had shut down.  I wanted an update to my distance and realized it had shut down on me.  I stopped and tried to restart it 2 more times.  The same thing happened.  Fail.  So--I started Endomundo up.  After 2 more TOO shut down.  I was looking for a mileage update and nothing--so I slowed down to check in on my run--and lo and behold IT had stopped as well :(  Ugh.  Fail again.

So--I went sans tracking.  It was honestly one of the best decisions I made.  I just ran.  I knew that the loop was going to take me back into Salix--and that I would end up with the longest run I had had in a substantial amount of time (since Mother's Day!).

It was FABULOUS!  I entered my route on Endomundo when I got back--it said about 6.7 miles!  Which was great--I was hoping for something closer to 8--but regardless these miles felt GREAT!  I feel much more empowered and like I WILL be able to do the 1/2 marathon and not die in the process!! :)  I only walked those 2 times to check my tracking--and then a 3rd because my hip was really bothering me and I wanted to stretch it out.  (And was really sore/painful yesterday as well!  But doing much better today!)

On a side note--I was VERY thankful that I was close to the connecting road when a SKUNK crossed the road ahead of me...and then crossed BACK across the road!!  Ya--talk about FREAK out!  I did NOT want to get skunked!  Oh ya--I also had a deer jut out from the corn field!  Made me definitely nervous!  Thankfully I did NOT get skunked or hit by a deer!  I did however, take my left ear headphone out so I could listen for any other animals!

So there you have it!  A great long run to start off a good week!  Tonight I am heading to the Y for a run because it is hot, hot, hot outside.   A shorter run 3-4 miles!  But hopefully another consistent run!  I like running on the treadmill because it really does push my strength and makes running outside easier! I can make myself go faster on the treadmill--because well, if I don't go faster then I will fly off of it!  Where as--if I am outside I can just slow down if I get tired! :)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Morning Running

I want to start off with that I am NOT a morning person.  Never before in my life did I exercise in the morning except when I HAD to during Fall pre-season for soccer!  And that was torture!!

Well--I had been debating getting over my "love of sleep" and starting to run in the morning.  I know many many people swear by it, its not as hot, and then my runs are DONE.  No excuses for later in the day!  So..the other morning I bit the bullet.  I got up at 5:15 and went running.

And I LOVED it.  Seriously.  Its amazing what a cup of coffee can do for your motivation! LOL!  No, really--it was so amazing.  The coolness of the morning--the sounds of the birds waking up--and running as the sun joins me.  It was exhilirating.  And my run that day was one of the best runs I had had in a LONG time!

I bet you are wondering why I haven't continually, consistently done AM runs since I really loved it so much?  Well, when I started I wanted to get a good week to get into a routine before I started working.  I knew that I could lay back down when I got home with the boys after my early morning routine--making the 5:15 wake-up call a little more bearable.  Well, with work--that's just not possible!  Well, my husband wanted to try something that required him to leave the house before 5:30 am--and no one else was here (and willing) to make sure the boys didn't escape/wake up scared.  So...I couldn't.

Fast forward--the boys started sleeping crappier...and it made it harder to get up.  I did however, get out again last Friday--and actually DID go into work that morning!  And it was really REALLY nice!

I posted Wednesday about my horrible horrible run.  It was miserable--enough to totally question everything I am doing.  But--it DID however give me the motivation I NEEDED.  I NEEDED that push--that OH MY GOODNESS I AM NEVER GOING TO BE ABLE TO DO THIS push.

So I got up bright and early on Friday.  I set out--my goal was 3 miles.  No matter what it took I wanted to run 3 miles.  So I started.  I honestly didn't feel the best--but I seemed to really get in a GREAT groove!  My 1st mile was about 12:02.  Slow--but I will take it.  It was close to the 11's which is honestly fine!  I just wanted to accomplish my 3 miles!  2nd mile 12:03--like WOAH!  Holy consitency!  That was awesome--and I was feeling REALLY good!  My body was in a good groove and I really was feeling this run.  My 3rd mile---EVEN FASTER!  In fact--I felt myself WANTING to go faster, my BODY saying--Christine, we got you!  GO GO GO!  So I did--and it felt GOOD!  Now, could I have maintained the faster speed for 10 more miles--probably not--but as much as I want to say I am going to run the entire 1/2 marathon--I do plan on taking Hal Hidgons advice and walking through the drinking stations.  And I am pretty sure on our 1/2 marathon route that the drinking stations are no more than 3 miles apart (maybe 5 towards the end).  And I honestly, within a short distance--was ready to keep going after my 3 miles run!  It was really a beautiful beautiful run!  I feel MUCH better after that run!

My weekend schedule is not looking very good.  With picking up a 2nd job its going to be even harder to fit in my longer weekend runs.  However, I am bound and determined to do them.  Even if it means we have to inlist a babysitter (aka Grandma) so that my husband can join me (although he will just have to bear with my slowness) so that if we go out in the evenings and it is dark out--then I will have someone with me.  My goal is to get in an at-least 8 mile run this week.  With that--I also want to log in some good AM runs as well!   I have Monday/Wednesday/Thursday off in the evenings--so hopefully I will be able to log in a long run on those days.

The following week is a big week.  The 4th of July.  And by big--I mean, BIG.  I am thinking....that I am going to see if Justin wants to run a 1/2 marathon with me that AM.  Like--get up and set out about 6.  We both have the day off of work--so it would be the perfect day.  Plus, doing it in the AM will mean that I can have my mom listen/watch for them while we are out on our run.  It shouldn't be TOO long that the boys would be awake before we got back.  Do I think we will be fast?  Nope.  But what I DO know--is that we will have ACCOMPLISHED the distance.  And I will TRULY know what it will feel like on race day!   I am hoping we really follow through with this one.  Long, slow, and such an amazing feeling I am sure!  We will definitely have to do some things like water and chews for mid-run.  But--we will and it will be great! :)

So yes.  There you have it!  A good ol' training update!  The 1/2 Marathon was 1 month from Friday!  Eeks!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Scared and very worried.

Training has been going so horrible as of lately.  Seriously horrible.  I can't seem to get over a few miles before I hit a wall.  I feel like my body is sweating 500,000x what it normally does--and its just gross!

I have been trying to get out on the road consistently--but life is surely crazy!  I just got a 2nd job--meaning I am working 8-12 teaching, and then random other times--Monday I worked from 8-12 teaching and then 1-9:45 at my 2nd job!  My feet hurt SOOO bad when I got home! 

Yesterday I just didn't feel up to it.  It was HOT HOT HOT out (I am talking 103* heat index with humidity like you wouldn't ever imagine!)  I had intended to do a workout inside--but it just didn't happen!

Today--thankfully I made it to the gym to run on the treadmill!  I ran a full 2 miles (horrible horrible horrible!) and my body felt really good---but my breathing wasn't quite in control--and I just lost it towards the end.  I wasn't going fast by any means--but between me being really hot, super sweaty, and dizzy--I just shut down.  The good news--I forced myself to do 2 miles on the bike (My husband just happened to begin a bike ride as I was trying to decide if I wanted to lift some weights).  That was hard--and definitely targeted some crazy muscles!!  BUT--it was a good workout--and every mile counts towards getting me where I need to be!

One of the hardest things I am facing: dizziness.  I have been facing this on and off for quite some time (February I think is when it started).  It got much better for awhile--but around Mother's Day started getting MUCH worse.  Went to the dr.--they gave me a round of steroids--they helped for a short time, but other than making me gain some crazy weight--it is now back :(  And--something I haven't experience before--its now back when I am running/exercising.  I completed my 2 miles on the bike just in time--as I got off I was really dizzy and started seeing spots (which I know all to well from my high school days that it is the pre-cursor to fainting).  I am just not sure what to think.  They did a blood work-up and everything came back perfect.  So I just...don't know. 

The 1/2 marathon is a month from Friday.  A MONTH.  I am FREAKING OUT.  I can't even go a freakin 5K let along 13.1 miles!!  My training has been so crappy lately--and it has been so hot outside.  I am just scared.  How am I EVER going to complete this.  Thankfully it is in a  MONTH and not a WEEK.  But it is still very daunting.  I can't believe I let myself loose so much valuable training time!  Mother's Day I ran a very strong 7 mile run.  It felt AMAZING!  I kid you not--and now here I sit--trying to run 2-3 miles with difficulty :( 

So there you have it.  The cold hard truth.  I am scared shitless of my 1/2 marathon.  It is so close--and I am so far from being "trained" for it.  Yikes yikes yikes.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Training Blah's

I seriously have been in a "blah" type of training mood.  I REALLY REALLY need to get out on the road consistently--but it seems every excuse and every little thing seems to be standing in my way.  :(  And I hate that feeling!  Last week I only got out for ONE run!  I did though--get out for a bike ride on Saturday.  Ugh.

This week so far--I haven't ran yet.  I am hoping to get out tonight--but who knows!  I really NEED to.  I NEED to start putting in 3-4 days a week CONSISTENTLY or else I am never going to survive the race in July!  Its like---7 weeks away!  And that my dear is just SCARY AS CRAP!  I NEED to get my butt in gear!

I have been wanting to run in the AM--but my husband has been trying this new class--meaning I can't go out and run because he has been leaving really super early as well.  It stinks honestly--as I really really enjoyed running in the AM last week and was hoping to continue the trend this week! I really honestly could see myself running every day in the AM I liked it THAT much!   Once my mom returns I should be able to get out and run, because if something were to happen and the boys would wake up--then she would be here and they know that they can just go on upstairs if I am not here/can't find me (the other morning I was in the shower--and both boys just went upstairs when I wasn't in my room).

Anyway--the goal for the week--put in a solid 3 runs--and potentially a kick boxing class tomorrow night.  If I don't kick-box I want to run instead.  Putting me at a solid 4 workout days this week.  I gotta take it one day at a time and just MAKE myself do it. Its getting out the door that is the hardest!

I also have been neglecting laundry--which makes running easier to make excuses for!  HOWEVER, I JUST started a FULL load of our running gear (mainly mine)--so that its easy to access and there will be no excuses surrounding running gear!  Plus, I bought a new shirt to wear/try out!  If it works out it may very well become my logo shirt! (Well, not this EXACT one--but one like it in white!  This one is BRIGHT yellow!)