Saturday, April 28, 2012

Powder Blue 5K

I know I know...I am really failing you guys on this blog!  I apologize--I promise that I will start blogging more often! I have some really exciting things coming up!  Therefore I will definitely be around more and more!! Plus, school is almost out therefore I will have a LOT more time on my hands!! :)

SO--How did the Powder Blue 5K go?  Well, it was crappy as far as time goes...but it was AWESOME as far as the race itself was concerned!! :)

Going into the race I really wanted to get under 33 minutes--but, when I got to the actual race site--and found out that well, there were crazy hills and a crazy head wind--I knew that I would NOT be likely to run that time.  And, since I hadn't really ran consistently in awhile--I figured finishing would be the best goal for me!

I started out probably a little toooo fast.  The race started out on a hill.  Lovely right?  Me--the person who trains on completely flat land!  Yep!  However, I was feeling alright the 1st mile in.  I managed to get that done in 11 minutes.  1/2 way in--I knew I needed to slow down and take a short walk.  That did me in really.  I shouldn't have walked--I should have slowed WAY down--but kept the motion of running going!!

I knew I wanted to give it my all--but into the 2nd mile the hills and wind were killing me.  I honestly thought I had a lot further to go--so I didn't push on the back run.  I should would have proved myself a MUCH faster time--and the distance around the corner was MUCH shorter than I thought, which stunk because I would have TOTALLY pushed myself had I known that the finish line was SO close once I turned the corner!  Le sigh.  Live and learn!  I will know that NEXT year when I run it and will definitely push myself through the back part of the race!

BUT the best part of the race--the people I ran with!  These are such great friends--and such an inspiration to me!  We went to lunch afterwards and had a great time!  It was such a lovely race!  And despite my horrible time, it was great to race with such great friends!!  Maybe I will even see if they would have me up (to their hilly town) for some training runs! :P  Since, like I said--I have NO hills what-so-ever where I train!

Now--for the fun pictures! :P
The group before running! Me, Thomas' Mom, Rebecca, and Thomas (the race director! :P)

Heading to the start! :)  I posted this because you can see the back of my shirt really well here! :)  Love it!

At the start--I was ateempting to get my Pandora up and didn't work!
This is me down the final stretch! Please excuse the horrible look--I was full out sprinting INTO the crazy wind!!!

Crossing the finish line! :) My mom and boys were in the car on the corner as I came across!

DONE!!  Crossing the finish line! (You can see Thomas with my "official" time!!) And is actually the picture Rebecca is taking in my previous picture! :P


  1. You're welcome to come run the hills with us anytime.
