Monday, September 10, 2012
Wow so long...and so few runs :(
There have been a few things that have ultimately come up really changing up my running schedule. Even as much as completely changing the race I REALLY REALLY wanted to run this year. The Des Moines Half Marathon. Basically it boiled down to this: Run in the Des Moines 1/2 or risk loosing one last opportunity to spend some good memory making time with my Grandma. As you can all assume--I am going to make memories. If there was one thing I have learned through all of this--its making memories ALWAYS comes first and foremost. Family and loved ones.
SOO...instead of doing that--I am actually going to be running a really awesomely cool sounding virtual race called the "" This is a 10 mile race that you have 10 days to complete. I am not sure how I will do it--but the catch is that you HAVE TO run through a "water feature"--so I am scoping out a good place to run through a water feature! I wish we had cool splash parks around here--however we don't! Although I wonder if I can escape from our memory making weekend (which also includes a wedding!) to run through a water feature in St. Louis! How cool would that be?! Ya I thought so too!! I am excited though!
This coming Saturday I have a 5K--to which I might die!! I have VERY VERY VERY little training put in for this run--therefore it could be a bit miserable...but I am just going to get out there. I LOVE this race--and it was where it all started for me! SO I am definitely going back! Even if I have to walk half of it-I AM going back!
November will be the Hot Chocolate 5K! I gotta register for it as soon as I get the go ahead from hubby! :) I am super excited as the swag includes an awesome finishers "mug/bowl" and a technical hoodie! Woot woot! Its also a super fun race all together! Hopefully the atmosphere of this weekend can throw me back into my running!
December will be my virtual race! Still working out details in my brain! But hopefully in October I can get some information out to you! :)
So there you have has been super duper busy--but I wouldn't change it for the world! :)
Monday, August 13, 2012
I NEED to get out on the open road!
The good news: I GOT A TEACHING JOB! Yes, that is such an amazing/exciting/nerve racking experience! And I am SO SO SO excited to start the school year! :) I already headed back (new teacher training) last week--but Monday marks the beginning of the "official" year! :) Training and room set up Mon/Tues/Wed and the kiddo's come on Thursday!
With the new school year also bring another good thing---the fact that I can back way down on my hours at my 2nd job. The summer is a time I can pack in a lot of hours (and man did I ever) but I will be thankful to pull it way back. Working only 3 days TOTAL a week will be so so so nice! More so, the hours on the weekend (especially Sunday) are such that I should be able to get in a run Sunday evenings!
Life will always be hectic--I just gotta find some balance! My plan is to get into a good groove--possibly even AM runs vs. PM runs as well as fit in at least 1 "strength" workout here at the house. We have a great app on the iPad called Nike Training Club--and my husband has unlocked some really awesome work-outs from some great runners! So hopefully by doing those short and sweet workouts a time or two a week I can manage to gain some strength!
On a sad note--we are canceling our Y membership :( It makes me bummed, but we seriously don't use it enough to justify the cost. We love the Y. LOVE LOVE LOVE it--but it is SO FAR away for us that it goes unused month after month. Le sigh. There is a gym MUCH closer that I think I am going to get a membership to--and it would be just me! The positive is that its open 24/7 so I would be able to workout persay after I got off of work at my 2nd job--or between getting out of school and picking up the boys (daycare is in the same town!). Needless to say it will just depend on the money it is going to cost! Another option would be the college's gym--since I will be going back to school as well! We shall see! I wish we coudl afford a treadmill--however we just can't at the moment :( Someday!!
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Rock and Roll 1/2 Marathon COMPLETE!
The weather was HOT. My training was sub par at best. But I had the best support running by my side! (Who happened to be WAY better trained than I! LOL!) Dad and I ran/walked the entire thing. I got defeated early on--and got dizzy quite early in the race :( So that was definitely nerve racking for me! My dad totally pushed me and we actually did "stop light" runs! Which totally helped give me a visual/goal to focus on!
The race itself was pretty awesome. I however wished I had my music to tune into. The bands were great--but they didn't resonate quite like I thought they would! So there was a lot of "quiet time" between bands! The spectators were great--and everyone was so supportive! It was an awesome environment!
One of the COOLEST moments in the whole course was about Mile 9 there was a race "coach" (they were there supporting through the last say 5 miles of the course!) and he was giving a pep talk that really made Dad and I laugh/feel better. He goes (in a not so official quote) "If someone asks how you are doing--don't lie--don't bring yourself down by saying bad. Yes you may be in pain--and you may feel horrible--but think positive. Positive thoughts will get you through. If someone asks how you are doing simply reply "I going forward"" It was just what we needed then. Plus a bag of ice someone had left was super helpful as well! (We didn't drink it--but it was so nice to be able to put on our necks/hands to cool them down!
Overall-the race was great and we really did have a good time! Next up: Race for Hope (5K), The Des Moines 1/2 marathon (more on this later), and the Hot Chocolate Race (5K)! To end the year I am going to be sponsoring a December Winter Wonderland race! :) Not sure the name or much about it yet--however, I know it will be in December and directly benefit the society that gave so much to my Grandma and asked nothing in return! If I have enough signed up I am going to get shirts made and sent out to the participants! More to come later! :)
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
4 Days Pre-race.
What does that mean? I might just die when we run not 1, but 2 (yes, TWO) race this weekend! The major one being the Rock and Roll 1/2 Marathon! :)
So here is what I am hoping for this weekend coming up. My goals:
#1: First and foremost--I want to have fun! I want to enjoy the races and take them in for all their worth!
#2: I want to walk past the finish line! :)
#3: I want to feel proud that I completed my first ever 13.1 mile race! I am lacking the confidence at the moment. Honestly I feel dreadful about how horrible my training has been. :( Ever since my incredibly horrible dizzy spell in May I have barely gotten any miles in per week.
I just want to have fun. I want to cross the finish line having ran at least 1/2. I honestly don't know that I will be able to run more than 1/2. Since my absolutely horrible training--I just am not sure its feasible. HOWEVER, I know that having my dad by my side pacing me--and just being there--will help A LOT! He truly pushes me to continue. We are going to take it VERY slow--and just enjoy! :) There are bands and pep squads every mile--so it will definitely be an awesome race to run!
The Muddy Buddy race we are just doing for fun. It won't be fast--and it won't be crazy. :) Justin and I are doing this together! I am so excited--Noah (my oldest) will be doing the race with us as well!! (Well, he is doing his own "Mini Muddy Buddy" race!
So there you have it! I am sure I will be back in the next few days blogging in preperation! :) I am starting to really up my hydration to prepare for the race! Although its at 6:30 AM--it is still going to be hot out there! The best way to prevent feeling extremely dehydrated is to hydrate early and really well! :) Bring on the water! :)
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Tales from a not-quite 13.1 mile run.
The first 4 miles I was feel really good-EXCEPT I had to go to the bathroom. Like...BAD. I tried to go before we started--but couldn't. SO I started--well about 4 miles in--there was no questions--I needed to find a bathroom. So, I detoured off the trail and went to the gas station not so far away. That's where things went downhill.
I ran to and from the gas station--stopped to take a drink at the car before heading out again. And I just COULD NOT find my groove :( To add to the groove-lessness of the run, my hip was starting to bother me.
However, I was determined come hell or high water to finish the distance. So--I slowed down to a walk. I figured covering the distance was better than just stopping! So--I continued. Every so often I would jog some and then walk. Jog and then walk. It was between mile 7 and 8 that I could feel my dizziness kick in when I was jogging. SO--I made the ultimate decision to walk the rest.
My real goal today was to just FINISH the distance. I wanted to assure myself that I COULD go that far...and that I COULD complete it under 3:30.
The good news: I CAN complete the 13.1 in under 3:30. The bad news--I didn't really complete the entire distance. But based on our stats--and how fast we were going we would have been in under 3:15! :) So that is re-assuring! Even walking over half of the distance! I completed just about 11 miles!
Justin (my husband) turned around with me when we met as he had about 2 miles to complete (and I had 7+!) and walked with me! It was so nice to have someone with me! :) It really did push me to walk faster and keep up!
I was the only one out of us 4 that didn't complete the entire distance :( My Dad actually got up and ran a 1/2 marathon this morning as well! How cool is that? What a great experience for all of us! A great learning experience that's for sure!
I learned a few things on my run:
1) Make sure to go to the bathroom before you leave. No questions asked...sit on the pot until it comes out! Stopping is dreadful!
2) I REALLY REALLY need to hydrate a LOT these next few weeks. The prep for hydration needs to start NOW. I REALLY need to get my water intake through the roof so that my body has proper hydration.
3) I REALLY need to log some road time. I am not sure if it was the pavement or what--however, the soles of my feet HURT. They are really super sore. To the point that that was the determining factor in me stopping. I feel like I just need to build up the calluses! LOL!
4) I need to figure out how to stretch my hip to give it some relief when it is getting tight.
5) I REALLY need a running buddy! Running long runs WITH someone makes ALL the difference! THANKFULLY--my Daddy and I will be running together--so I will have encouragement along the way!
6) My iPhone battery--despite being fully charged--will only last about 10 miles with Nike+ and Pandora running. Thankfully, when we run the Rock and Roll 1/2 I won't need either! As the path will be marked and there are bands every 1/2 mile!
7) Getting pooped on by a bird is not really cool. LOL!
So was a great learning experience and it makes me feel A LOT better about what's to come! Even if I didn't finish the full 13.1 distance!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Independence Day 13.1
We wanted to do this run for prep. To see how absolutely miserable we are going to be! The other great thing--we are going to set out at 6:15. Which means not only will we be done by about 9:15--we will also be heading out the same time that we will for the 1/2 marathon on the 22nd! :)
I am excited and nervous! I think if I keep it slow and steady--and take it mile by mile and make sure to not get down on myself I can do it! We will be doing 2 loops of a trail that my brother knows but I haven't been on. At the 1/2 way point we will have water and Gatorade (as well as I think a banana and chews) in our car. We have frozen 4 bottles of water, and we have 2 large gatorades in the fridge to go into a cooler pack.
This last week has been a bit emotional. I am once again reminded of the horrible disease that cancer is. And as I embark on this 1/2 marathon distance tomorrow--each step of the way I will be thankful for my health, my happiness, and those "just one more" moments that Grandma and I shared together. I also know--that I will have an angel right by my side--cheering me on! Today as I was driving to school I cried for the 1st time in a long time--I was thinking about a friend who has a loved one in their final stages of their battle with cancer. It just breaks my heart and brings back such sad memories of those last few weeks in my Grandma's battle. And to add to my tears--there was a woman walking that looked JUST LIKE her. Walking like her--her body shape was just like hers--her wrinkles like her. And the tears just flowed. :(
I will report back tomorrow on how things go! :) I am hoping to log in a 1/2 marathon time under 3 hours and 30 minutes. Honestly I would really like to see under 3 hours...but, I also just want to accomplish the distance.
The goal will be the same for the Rock and Roll 1/2 Marathon as well! No real time goal--just finishing! Well, and not getting picked up by the "Your going too slow" van. LOL! There's a time limit of 3:30 on the course and you have to pass certain check-points within a certain time frame or else the van will pick you up!
And I'm off! :) Have a great night!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Long Run Fabulous-ness!
And husband goes "Just go run Christine." I told him that I just wasn't going to go. I just didn't have the energy. Well...then I just said....F**k it--I need to go.
My goal was 4 miles. Honestly I just wanted to do 4 miles--however, there is this loop. A loop my husband had done--but I hadn't ever ventured out that far--and well before I left I told my darling husband that I wasn't sure what I was going to do--4 miles or the loop. Well, a mile in I was feeling good! I was in control and feeling strong! So...I made the decision to go for it.
It wasn't until past a mile that I realized my Nike+ app had shut down. I wanted an update to my distance and realized it had shut down on me. I stopped and tried to restart it 2 more times. The same thing happened. Fail. So--I started Endomundo up. After 2 more TOO shut down. I was looking for a mileage update and nothing--so I slowed down to check in on my run--and lo and behold IT had stopped as well :( Ugh. Fail again.
So--I went sans tracking. It was honestly one of the best decisions I made. I just ran. I knew that the loop was going to take me back into Salix--and that I would end up with the longest run I had had in a substantial amount of time (since Mother's Day!).
It was FABULOUS! I entered my route on Endomundo when I got back--it said about 6.7 miles! Which was great--I was hoping for something closer to 8--but regardless these miles felt GREAT! I feel much more empowered and like I WILL be able to do the 1/2 marathon and not die in the process!! :) I only walked those 2 times to check my tracking--and then a 3rd because my hip was really bothering me and I wanted to stretch it out. (And was really sore/painful yesterday as well! But doing much better today!)
On a side note--I was VERY thankful that I was close to the connecting road when a SKUNK crossed the road ahead of me...and then crossed BACK across the road!! Ya--talk about FREAK out! I did NOT want to get skunked! Oh ya--I also had a deer jut out from the corn field! Made me definitely nervous! Thankfully I did NOT get skunked or hit by a deer! I did however, take my left ear headphone out so I could listen for any other animals!
So there you have it! A great long run to start off a good week! Tonight I am heading to the Y for a run because it is hot, hot, hot outside. A shorter run 3-4 miles! But hopefully another consistent run! I like running on the treadmill because it really does push my strength and makes running outside easier! I can make myself go faster on the treadmill--because well, if I don't go faster then I will fly off of it! Where as--if I am outside I can just slow down if I get tired! :)
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Morning Running
Well--I had been debating getting over my "love of sleep" and starting to run in the morning. I know many many people swear by it, its not as hot, and then my runs are DONE. No excuses for later in the day! So..the other morning I bit the bullet. I got up at 5:15 and went running.
And I LOVED it. Seriously. Its amazing what a cup of coffee can do for your motivation! LOL! No, really--it was so amazing. The coolness of the morning--the sounds of the birds waking up--and running as the sun joins me. It was exhilirating. And my run that day was one of the best runs I had had in a LONG time!
I bet you are wondering why I haven't continually, consistently done AM runs since I really loved it so much? Well, when I started I wanted to get a good week to get into a routine before I started working. I knew that I could lay back down when I got home with the boys after my early morning routine--making the 5:15 wake-up call a little more bearable. Well, with work--that's just not possible! Well, my husband wanted to try something that required him to leave the house before 5:30 am--and no one else was here (and willing) to make sure the boys didn't escape/wake up scared. So...I couldn't.
Fast forward--the boys started sleeping crappier...and it made it harder to get up. I did however, get out again last Friday--and actually DID go into work that morning! And it was really REALLY nice!
I posted Wednesday about my horrible horrible run. It was miserable--enough to totally question everything I am doing. But--it DID however give me the motivation I NEEDED. I NEEDED that push--that OH MY GOODNESS I AM NEVER GOING TO BE ABLE TO DO THIS push.
So I got up bright and early on Friday. I set out--my goal was 3 miles. No matter what it took I wanted to run 3 miles. So I started. I honestly didn't feel the best--but I seemed to really get in a GREAT groove! My 1st mile was about 12:02. Slow--but I will take it. It was close to the 11's which is honestly fine! I just wanted to accomplish my 3 miles! 2nd mile 12:03--like WOAH! Holy consitency! That was awesome--and I was feeling REALLY good! My body was in a good groove and I really was feeling this run. My 3rd mile---EVEN FASTER! In fact--I felt myself WANTING to go faster, my BODY saying--Christine, we got you! GO GO GO! So I did--and it felt GOOD! Now, could I have maintained the faster speed for 10 more miles--probably not--but as much as I want to say I am going to run the entire 1/2 marathon--I do plan on taking Hal Hidgons advice and walking through the drinking stations. And I am pretty sure on our 1/2 marathon route that the drinking stations are no more than 3 miles apart (maybe 5 towards the end). And I honestly, within a short distance--was ready to keep going after my 3 miles run! It was really a beautiful beautiful run! I feel MUCH better after that run!
My weekend schedule is not looking very good. With picking up a 2nd job its going to be even harder to fit in my longer weekend runs. However, I am bound and determined to do them. Even if it means we have to inlist a babysitter (aka Grandma) so that my husband can join me (although he will just have to bear with my slowness) so that if we go out in the evenings and it is dark out--then I will have someone with me. My goal is to get in an at-least 8 mile run this week. With that--I also want to log in some good AM runs as well! I have Monday/Wednesday/Thursday off in the evenings--so hopefully I will be able to log in a long run on those days.
The following week is a big week. The 4th of July. And by big--I mean, BIG. I am thinking....that I am going to see if Justin wants to run a 1/2 marathon with me that AM. Like--get up and set out about 6. We both have the day off of work--so it would be the perfect day. Plus, doing it in the AM will mean that I can have my mom listen/watch for them while we are out on our run. It shouldn't be TOO long that the boys would be awake before we got back. Do I think we will be fast? Nope. But what I DO know--is that we will have ACCOMPLISHED the distance. And I will TRULY know what it will feel like on race day! I am hoping we really follow through with this one. Long, slow, and such an amazing feeling I am sure! We will definitely have to do some things like water and chews for mid-run. But--we will and it will be great! :)
So yes. There you have it! A good ol' training update! The 1/2 Marathon was 1 month from Friday! Eeks!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Scared and very worried.
I have been trying to get out on the road consistently--but life is surely crazy! I just got a 2nd job--meaning I am working 8-12 teaching, and then random other times--Monday I worked from 8-12 teaching and then 1-9:45 at my 2nd job! My feet hurt SOOO bad when I got home!
Yesterday I just didn't feel up to it. It was HOT HOT HOT out (I am talking 103* heat index with humidity like you wouldn't ever imagine!) I had intended to do a workout inside--but it just didn't happen!
Today--thankfully I made it to the gym to run on the treadmill! I ran a full 2 miles (horrible horrible horrible!) and my body felt really good---but my breathing wasn't quite in control--and I just lost it towards the end. I wasn't going fast by any means--but between me being really hot, super sweaty, and dizzy--I just shut down. The good news--I forced myself to do 2 miles on the bike (My husband just happened to begin a bike ride as I was trying to decide if I wanted to lift some weights). That was hard--and definitely targeted some crazy muscles!! BUT--it was a good workout--and every mile counts towards getting me where I need to be!
One of the hardest things I am facing: dizziness. I have been facing this on and off for quite some time (February I think is when it started). It got much better for awhile--but around Mother's Day started getting MUCH worse. Went to the dr.--they gave me a round of steroids--they helped for a short time, but other than making me gain some crazy weight--it is now back :( And--something I haven't experience before--its now back when I am running/exercising. I completed my 2 miles on the bike just in time--as I got off I was really dizzy and started seeing spots (which I know all to well from my high school days that it is the pre-cursor to fainting). I am just not sure what to think. They did a blood work-up and everything came back perfect. So I just...don't know.
The 1/2 marathon is a month from Friday. A MONTH. I am FREAKING OUT. I can't even go a freakin 5K let along 13.1 miles!! My training has been so crappy lately--and it has been so hot outside. I am just scared. How am I EVER going to complete this. Thankfully it is in a MONTH and not a WEEK. But it is still very daunting. I can't believe I let myself loose so much valuable training time! Mother's Day I ran a very strong 7 mile run. It felt AMAZING! I kid you not--and now here I sit--trying to run 2-3 miles with difficulty :(
So there you have it. The cold hard truth. I am scared shitless of my 1/2 marathon. It is so close--and I am so far from being "trained" for it. Yikes yikes yikes.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Training Blah's
This week so far--I haven't ran yet. I am hoping to get out tonight--but who knows! I really NEED to. I NEED to start putting in 3-4 days a week CONSISTENTLY or else I am never going to survive the race in July! Its like---7 weeks away! And that my dear is just SCARY AS CRAP! I NEED to get my butt in gear!
I have been wanting to run in the AM--but my husband has been trying this new class--meaning I can't go out and run because he has been leaving really super early as well. It stinks honestly--as I really really enjoyed running in the AM last week and was hoping to continue the trend this week! I really honestly could see myself running every day in the AM I liked it THAT much! Once my mom returns I should be able to get out and run, because if something were to happen and the boys would wake up--then she would be here and they know that they can just go on upstairs if I am not here/can't find me (the other morning I was in the shower--and both boys just went upstairs when I wasn't in my room).
Anyway--the goal for the week--put in a solid 3 runs--and potentially a kick boxing class tomorrow night. If I don't kick-box I want to run instead. Putting me at a solid 4 workout days this week. I gotta take it one day at a time and just MAKE myself do it. Its getting out the door that is the hardest!
I also have been neglecting laundry--which makes running easier to make excuses for! HOWEVER, I JUST started a FULL load of our running gear (mainly mine)--so that its easy to access and there will be no excuses surrounding running gear! Plus, I bought a new shirt to wear/try out! If it works out it may very well become my logo shirt! (Well, not this EXACT one--but one like it in white! This one is BRIGHT yellow!)
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
A reminder why.
Last week a friend of mine lost their Aunt so suddenly no one saw it coming. Today-she posted that it was lung cancer that took her. Her aunt had only been dealing with a cough since January--nothing else that would point to cancer.
It seems everyday I am reminded of the struggle cancer gives. Not only for the person who is battling cancer, but for those around that loved one. The thought of knowing there are so so so many people hoping and wishing for "just one more" makes my heart hurt.
And then I realize--THIS is why I run. The battle I wage on the road is NOTHING compared to that of fighting cancer--or trying to make the most of those "one more's" while watching a loved one slowly pass away from this horrible disease. However--the awareness to cancer's unknown, the fundraising for cancer research, and the opportunity to provide "just one more" is like nothing else. Its what fuels every mile--even at 5:30am.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Each week I will post my plan for the week--and update throughout the week to keep me going! :)
Up this week:
3 miles: Today?
4 miles: Mid-Week
3 miles: Mid-week
8 miles--Sunday
I am also going to give a shot to running in the AM vs. PM! We shall see! :) I look forward to blogging my journey along the way! :) My 1st 1/2 marathon is July 22nd! With a fun mud-buddy race the day before!
My full marathon is October 21st--and so I am going to mesh my 1/2 marathon training with my full marathon training! Should be interesting! :)
Until next time! :)
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Plugging Along!
The past few weeks have been interesting! I have really enjoyed getting my run on! Last Sunday on Mother's Day I completed race #5 during a 7 mile training run! (It was a 10K)--and it felt GREAT!!
However, I have been dealing with some health issues! Back in January I suddenly got hit with some CRAZY dizziness. And unfortunately--it hasn't gone away. It had gotten better--but within the last few weeks it has gotten way worse again :( In fact--last week it has been at its worse since the first onset. But that's not the only thing I have been dealing with---exhaustion, headaches, and upset stomach also make this list! I was talking with a friend and she mentioned to have my iron levels checked. This had never occurred to me before she had mentioned it! I decided that before I went into the Dr. I would do some research--no use in taking a trip to the doctor if I don't NEED to! We still have craptacular insurance (until June 1st!)--so I wanted to make sure I was pretty sure this would be something I could fix easily--and simple to determine. Upon my research I found that--ALL of my symptoms fall into this category--INCLUDING the increase in time per mile! Basically--when your iron levels deplete--your body can't effectively run fast! I have been seeing a decline in my running speed and it has been bothering me! I have increased my mileage and the number of times that I run--and my base is pretty solid! So I should in theory be getting faster and more efficient at running! Although-I am not :(
My dr's appointment is on Wednesday! :) They will be checking my iron levels for anemia and iron depletion (which, oddly enough is 2 different issues! From my understanding--Anemia is a basic how much iron is in your blood--and depletion is the amount of iron in your muscles/bones/ect.--there is a different hormone/chemical they have to test the amount of to determine depletion!) Hopefully it will be simple and I will know what the next step is by the end of the week!
This weekend I am hoping to get out for some training miles! And then next week I am thinking about switching over to morning miles vs. evening miles since I am basically done for the school year! The last week of school is pretty much dead for substitutes! :)
Have a fabulous week everyone!
Friday, May 4, 2012
Oh My goodness I almost forgot!!
Ashley, owner and photographer for Ashley Heim Photography, will be photographing me in my running gear AND tutu coming up very soon! :) I am PUMPED for this! And I can't WAIT to see what fun we have out and about!! She is such a talented photographer (not to mention an amazing mother, wife, AND daycare provider to my boys!)
So yes.....look forward to some awesome pictures and fun new designs coming to my blog soon! :)
You can find the awesomeness of Ashley right here at
1/2 Marathon Training!
This week I put in 2 runs (1 not-so-good run and 1 better run!) and I also put in an additional workout both nights! :) Tonight I am going to do a workout and some agility drills instead of running. Tomorrow I hope to log in a few miles--and Sunday I hope to put in 6 miles! :)
Mother's day I am scheduled for 7 miles! Crazy! That will be my farthest distance yet!! :) I can't wait! I actually have a race that day (which reminds me I need to register for it!). Its a virtual race I found--and I really liked the shirts! (LOL right?!) and the race entry goes to a good cause--so I figured why not! The race distance is a 10K! So I will go ahead and just record the time when I made it to 10K and then continue with the last .9 miles of my long run!! :)
Overall training has gone well. The only exception is that my pace has somehow managed to slow significantly since I started running :( I am definitely incorporate some speedwork into my exercises--but I am thinking I need to add some strength/agility training as well. Part of me feels my lack of speed is from the sheer weakness of my leg muscles. They are moving as fast as they can carry my body--and I need to strengthen them in order for them to be able to carry my body faster. I could be totally wrong--but I figure its not going to hurt anything right!? Now if I could only have the cool machines at my house--it would make strength training that much easier!! :P
With the school year coming to a close--and the days getting longer--I feel a longing to be out running and I just LOVE it! :) Honestly--its fabulous! I enjoy working out in the evenings--however, I think I am going to try to start getting my runs accomplished before my husband leaves for work/I have to get ready for work in the mornings. In reality--that will mean I have to get up at 5:45 vs. 6:45 (and that's only when I have to work!)--which may prove to be a BIT difficult--but I think that I will really enjoy the morning runs! :) IF I run in the mornings--it will give me extra time in the evenings to not only enjoy my family all that much more--but this also opens up the opportunity to take 30 minutes in the evening to get a strength work-out in! :) Which is what I need! I find it VERY difficult to run AND work-out in the evenings!!!
There you have it! Look forward to updates weekly (I am going to try!) from here on out! :)
(PS>>>>There are some major changes going on with the American Cancer Society's DetermiNation program--so there have been some changes and I need to make some ultimate decisions about my fundraising. I would LOVE to fund raise for both races--but combined that would mean about 2,000.00--which is just plainly AMAZING--however, I am worried that I won't be able to raise that much money---and then have to pay it out of (my) pocket. If you have any thoughts--please let me know! I am really going back and forth!)
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Powder Blue 5K
I know I know...I am really failing you guys on this blog! I apologize--I promise that I will start blogging more often! I have some really exciting things coming up! Therefore I will definitely be around more and more!! Plus, school is almost out therefore I will have a LOT more time on my hands!! :)
SO--How did the Powder Blue 5K go? Well, it was crappy as far as time goes...but it was AWESOME as far as the race itself was concerned!! :)
Going into the race I really wanted to get under 33 minutes--but, when I got to the actual race site--and found out that well, there were crazy hills and a crazy head wind--I knew that I would NOT be likely to run that time. And, since I hadn't really ran consistently in awhile--I figured finishing would be the best goal for me!
I started out probably a little toooo fast. The race started out on a hill. Lovely right? Me--the person who trains on completely flat land! Yep! However, I was feeling alright the 1st mile in. I managed to get that done in 11 minutes. 1/2 way in--I knew I needed to slow down and take a short walk. That did me in really. I shouldn't have walked--I should have slowed WAY down--but kept the motion of running going!!
I knew I wanted to give it my all--but into the 2nd mile the hills and wind were killing me. I honestly thought I had a lot further to go--so I didn't push on the back run. I should would have proved myself a MUCH faster time--and the distance around the corner was MUCH shorter than I thought, which stunk because I would have TOTALLY pushed myself had I known that the finish line was SO close once I turned the corner! Le sigh. Live and learn! I will know that NEXT year when I run it and will definitely push myself through the back part of the race!
BUT the best part of the race--the people I ran with! These are such great friends--and such an inspiration to me! We went to lunch afterwards and had a great time! It was such a lovely race! And despite my horrible time, it was great to race with such great friends!! Maybe I will even see if they would have me up (to their hilly town) for some training runs! :P Since, like I said--I have NO hills what-so-ever where I train!
Now--for the fun pictures! :P
The group before running! Me, Thomas' Mom, Rebecca, and Thomas (the race director! :P) |
Heading to the start! :) I posted this because you can see the back of my shirt really well here! :) Love it! |
At the start--I was ateempting to get my Pandora up and didn't work! |
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This is me down the final stretch! Please excuse the horrible look--I was full out sprinting INTO the crazy wind!!! |
Crossing the finish line! :) My mom and boys were in the car on the corner as I came across! |
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DONE!! Crossing the finish line! (You can see Thomas with my "official" time!!) And is actually the picture Rebecca is taking in my previous picture! :P |
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Race #4 Tomorrow!! :)
For starters--I haven't been training like I should have been. I really haven't ran all week--although mid-week I got out for a good run--and yesterday my husband and I got out for a 5 mile bike ride! So I have done SOMETHING to help keep my body moving--however, I haven't ACTUALLY ran in a week. Le sigh. It is what it is....I am just getting out there to run this race!
2nd--I am just getting over this stinkin cold! Its like God has this plan to make me wait all this time...its been 3 weeks since I have seriously done any training/running :( That makes me terribly sad. 1st it was my teeth (which by the way--are feeling MUCH better!! Woot woot!) Then last week I came down with a HORRIBLE cold, just as I was starting to feel better!
HOWEVER--I AM going to get out there tomorrow and get my 5K in! Its a measly 3.1 miles! I CAN do it! I KNOW that I can--I just have to make sure I am giving it my all--and know that I am not any worse than I started at the finish line! My time might stink--but whatever! It will be fun no matter what!
So here are my goals for tomorrow!
1) Survive :P Really...I just want to cross the finish line!
2) Run the 5K under 35 minutes. This shouldn't be TOO terribly difficult--just making sure that I am pushing myself!
3) Give 110%--when I am ready to quit--keep going! Just KEEP GOING! I find myself wanting to quit--but when I push through--I tend to be just fine! I am going to really push--and only take a break if I REALLY need it! :)
And my "wishful" goal--to log a time under 33 minutes! Which would be freakin fabulous!! Yes, this is wishful thinking...but I gotta have a wish right? I really really REALLY want to log a sub-30 5K in September! So I gotta keep plucking away at my time!!!
So there you have it! :) Tomorrow I shall survive a great 5K with good friends! An inspiration really--Thomas is the one who inspired ME to start running! And I have been happily passing the inspiration along! :) (Oh, did you know YOU can join in the Powder Blue 5K? If you want to race--sign up here: Powder Blue 5K Website and comment on this blog post!! Take a picture of you before, after, during your race--and finish up by giving Thomas your information and picture! And poof--you have just ran your first 5K!) Enjoy!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Exciting news...and not so exciting news!
However, on another exciting note! A good friend of mine (who also just happens to be the 2nd in command at the daycare with the boys!!) is also a great photographer! AND I asked her if she would do some pro-bono (aka free) shots of me in my gear for some fundraising items (and my blog!!) And, wouldnt you know SHE SAID YES!! So look for those to be coming soon!! :)
On a training note--I haven't done any since last Sunday. Yes--almost a week and a half without running :( This, makes me miserable for one thing. And I HATE that--BUT, I had the 2 wisdom teeth pulled last Monday morning (so--not this past but a week ago Monday) and I have been dealing with some crazy, intense, miserable, pain and complications. I had a dry socket last week---and then over the weekend it got crazy worse!! And it seemed as if there was something STILL in my socket. WELL--went back Monday to find out that there was still a pretty big chunk of tooth still attached to the bone :( So--they had to numb me up and pull that part. SO I was back at Day 1 for recovery on Monday. Yesterday was miserable--but today I woke up feeling a bit better! I am hoping by the end of the week that I be on the up and up! My dad is coming to town and we are planning a run for Friday!! Which I am REALLY looking forward too! Although, it might just kick my tooshy--as it will have been almost 2 weeks since my last run!! And he has been running several times a week--and his speed is really picking up! Oh well I guess! It will be nice to just get out and go!! :)
Until next time! :)
Sunday, March 25, 2012
New Runners!!! :)
However, yesterday when I went fitted I must have come at the perfect time! :) Aside from the person helping me get fitted--his good friend was there to talk to him--who just happened to be a podiatrist. SOO I got the opinion of someone who I value to be a professional in the sense of fitting people for running shoes--and someone who is a professional with how the foot works!! Awesome right?! Ya I thought so as well!
I went in not knowing what to expect--I figured I had a pretty "normal" gait and such--I have "pretty good" arches so I knew that wouldn't be an issue. However, I walked out of there with a wealth of information!
The lo down--I over-pronate. And my current runners do nothing to help correct this--and allows my foot/leg to twist all crazy--and in turn locks my big toe from moving smoothly. The podiatrist said he knew this simply by the wear on the toe of my running shoes. (It is significantly worn)
So what does this mean for shoes? This means I spent 117.00 on a "transitional" pair of shoes. Basically--I need a shoe that is going to support my foot completely through my gait. I need a "structured cushioning" shoe. However, to go from what I am currently running with (My Nike Lunarglides) to the Asics Kayano shoes would mean a substantial, potentially miserable adjustment period for me. So instead of making the "leap" they put me in Asics GT-2170's. I tried on a pair of Saucauny's--but they felt much "stiffer" and they were very very bulky, in my opinion--the Asics were much "softer" and felt much smoother! Plus, I like the looks of the Asics a LOT LOT LOT better! The Saucauny's were pretty darn ugly :P I know that shouldn't sway my decision--but it did! :P
So here they are:
Cool right? Yep--I like them too :P The "next" shoes I will need to get for serious running--and which from what I can gather will be "my" shoe for a long time to come--are the Asics "Kayano" shoe. The price for those babies are 160.00---ya, my eyes about popped out of my head as well!! Never in my life have I spent more than 100.00 for a pair of shoes--let alone 150 dollars!!!!!! The 2 guys helping me suggested I log about 250 miles in these, and then make the final transition to the Kayano's. I am not so sure we will be able to afford it when I hit the 250 mile mark--but I will purchase them when we can afford them. I figure even if I can't buy them when I am "supposed" to--by the fall I am thinking we will be able to get them--and I may actually see if the Expo's at any of the major races I will be running in are selling them! That might be a way to get them slightly cheaper (even if they are the "older" model!)
In all--I am glad I went! They said that the Asics should prevent my foot from rolling/twisting-allowing my big toe to move freely rather than lock. Oh, and the podiatrist said I was a "great example" of over-pronation! :P Made me giggle!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Leprechaun Chase 10K
Tutu on--jacket on! :) It was warm and windy that day--so I didn't actually need my jacket! |
Dad with his shirt! :) He got a technical shirt! |
All ready to run! :) |
Dad and I at the start! |
My dear darling husband, Justin, and I at the start! :) |
About 4:15 or so we were allowed in the start corrals! Now, this was another "con" in my opinion. Because I decided to stay back about 3/4 of the way through the gated area--when in reality I was no any where close to the back of the pack (where I knew I needed to be). It just made me feel bad for those faster runners who I knew were behind me! I know how it feels to have people who are a lot slower in front of you! I tried my best to stay on the very very right side of the path-but I still had people passing me on the right :(
The 1st mile was interesting--I knew I didn't want to push myself tooo hard--as I wouldn't ever finish. The wind was a big factor--as well as the crazy hills that were in the course! I must remind ya'll--I train on flat land--the biggest "hill" in my usual trail is an overpass. So--needless to say the hills were tiring! Thankfully--I had ran a HORRIBLE 10K the weekend before in the coldest, strongest wind ever! So, the wind for this race was really nothing in comparisson--the biggest "trouble" I had was that it was extremely dry wind--with some dust mixed in--making my mouth EXTREMELY dry--and me really thirsty!
As we got through Mile 1 I was feeling alright! There was a drink station somewhere in the 2nd mile (but before the Mile 2 marker!) that I decided to go ahead and walk through to get a drink and catch my breath! This was a great breather and just what I needed as I was feeling a bit defeated when I reached the Mile 1 marker.
After my drink I was feeling good--ran a good while, and then everyone in front of me started walking! Like waves of people! I was amazed by this! It made it hard for me to push through and run! I kept running--but then came to a huge hill and decided to walk (as it seemed like EVERYONE in front of me did!)--I am glad I did! It was perfect for prepping me for the next bit!
Through-out the rest of the course I took a few walk breaks--but really did feel confident in my run! I walked way less than I had anticipated--with the hills and the wind!
Justin caught up to me about 3.5 miles into the race! I got farther than I expected!! :) I could tell he was hurting when he reached me--so I walked and talked with him for a few minutes! It was nice--and I loved that part! Such a plus! :)
I reached the finish line feeling confident-and even sprinted the last .2 miles! :) AND--I finished BEFORE the clock hit 1:16!! My goal was to finish under 1:15!! So I was pretty pumped with how things went!
The after-party was so-so. The lads won, so Justin and my Dad got a free beer--and we hung out just for the fun atmosphere! :)
Then I had my time printed out and was SOOO excited!!! Below is my print out! :) I was STOCKED to see that I had finished in UNDER 1:15! In reality I could have/should have pushed myself a little bit harder--although I am proud of finishing the race!! I ran a lot more than some of the people around me--but I still could have managed to push myself a bit more! Le sigh! Next race! :)
Overall, it was a fabulous race with a few minor "cons"--will we do it again next year--heck ya!! :) It was a lot of fun--and I loved the "chase" format! I will however, start WAY back further than I did this year! Although next year that pace will be closer to 11 minutes than 12!! (Or even lower!)
Dad, myself, and Justin at the after party! :) |
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Coming Soon!!
I look forward to sharing with you once I get things rolling with my website!! I can't wait to support such an amazing cause!! :)
Friday, March 2, 2012
Training...or lack there of.
This week---there has been no training besides Sunday's 10K. I have my lower left wisdom tooth pulled on Tuesday evening--and it has had me out for the count. Thankfully the pull was WAY easier than my 1st--but it still hurts--and I have a pretty massive hole. Tonight I was going to go biking--but I forgot headphones, took the wrong exit, and ran into an old friend--therefore resulting in me foregoing the biking. I may go tomorrow and do a few short miles--but I am not sure. My plan is to do 1 final 10K OUTSIDE before the race next weekend! I am feeling confident I can finish--even though my time will likely be in the way bottom 1/2--I am just hoping to cross the finish line in under 1:20. My lofty goal is 1:10. We shall see. My Nike+ had my 10K last weekend at 1:10ish--but the treadmill said I still have like 1/2 a mile to go-so I started running again and clocked it in at 1:17. Slow--but steady. And it felt good! So that was what meant the most to me!
Here's the plan for the next week: Sunday--10K, Tuesday an easy 3 miles, Thursday an easy 2 miles/Group Centergy, Saturday RACE DAY! I LOVE Group Centergy--and I was AMAZED at how STRONG I felt after just one class!! So I am hoping that doing that on Thursday (and resting on Friday) will help me feel lean and strong!! :)
But--I gotta survive this tooth pain and silly cold thing I have going on. Pushing through is what I am doing!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Leprechaun 10K
The last month has been up and down! I had a wisdom tooth pulled the end of January--and ended up getting Vertigo a few weeks ago--my training has spotty! But--I am so happy to say the last 2 weeks I have gotten some GREAT training in! :)
Last Sunday I ran 6.2 miles for the VERY first time! I wanted to see A) how long it would take me and B) see how long 6.2 miles REALLY is! :P I had also decided that I was going to take a different approach to my "long runs" (which I have always done on the weekends!). I wear a heart rate strap/watch to monitor my heart rate while I run. I got this fabulous watch for Christmas this year! And I have done some research about heart rates and running. I have watched my heart rate for a few weeks--and decided that my max heart rate sits at about 200. Minimum I am not sure--but usually around 88/90. My "optimal" heartrate--that I feel best when I am running and can keep my breathing and body in control is about 160. So I decided to keep my heart rate at/around 160. And I must say--I ran all but less than .1 of the run! I was battling some crazy headwind and ended up getting a horrible side cramp I needed to walk/stretch it out! Once that was accomplished I started running again! I was shocked at how well my body performed and how "easy" (I say that lightly) it was to complete the full 6.2. My time was super slow--coming in at just under 1:20. For the 1st time ever running this distance--and the fact that I was basing my pace off of my heartrate I feel pretty good about this!
This week I have actually logged the most miles I think ever! :) Which--is awesome-and I really am feeling great! I was a little worried that I would be dealing with some muscle issues with jumping into the 6.2 on Sunday--but in reality--aside from some major fatigue on Sunday evening afterwards--I have felt really good this week!
Tuesday I did my first ever speedwork! I did this run on the treadmill and I think I will continue to do so because I am HORRIBLE at running a constant speed outside. Although I may do some timed sprints vs. distance sprints--we shall see! It was an interesting experience--and I hope to continue to do a speed workout at least once a week to not only improve speed but also help lengthen my stride! The distance I was supposed to cover was 3 miles--I did a little over 3.5!
Yesterday I was scheduled a short 2 mile run, however we got a crazy snowstorm and I wasn't about to venture anywhere I didn't HAVE to be last night so I skipped it. I decided to hit the gym again today and do two FAST miles. This I believe is called a "tempo" run. The research I have done about this says it helps to build your muscles lactic acid threshold. Helping you "run through the pain" basically! Even so--I ran 2 miles--averaging a 9:58 mile for both! Which is AWESOME!! :) And it was hard--but felt pretty good! I wanted to stop halfway through--but I kept on pushing knowing that the end was in sight!! And 2 miles is pretty easy!
Total this week I logged about 12 miles--which doesn't seem like a lot--but this is likely my highest mileage week so far! :) I can't wait to see that number continue to increase!! :)
Oh--and I am sure you are wondering what the heck I am basing my mileage off of?? I am using the Hal Higdon 10K program. The link is found here: Hal Higdon 10K Program I intend to use his programs for both my 1/2 marathon training (that will start after this 10K in March) and the full marathon training (that will start at the end of June!) I have heard great things--plus there are apps to go along with these programs! Which, for me, is a TOTAL bonus! :)
Overall--I am getting excited for the Leprechaun Chase 10K in March! I however, am NOT looking forward to getting another wisdom tooth pulled Tuesday. Wish me luck--because I need to be back to running by Thursday to stay on track. Eeks!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
For the Love of the Kids 5K
I decided to run my 5K on the treadmill at our local YMCA! It was the best choice for me--and proved to me good! :)
My run started out really well! I felt really good through mile 1! I had really found my groove--and my music (Thank You Pandora Endurance Station!) was really keeping me going! I was hoping to not walk any of my 5K--but at about 1/2 way through my heart rate was climbing really high--and I knew if I wanted to PR that I needed to take a short walk break to get my heart rate down. I walked 1:30 seconds of my entire 5K. Which, is good and bad. After that walk break I made a vow that I was going to run the rest. About 2.7 miles into my 3.1 race my heartrate was once again--in the 190's--so I decided to take a very short break. I felt very defeated that I had to take yet ANOTHER walk break--so I made this one super short because well, I was SOOO close to the end. I pushed hard--and I mean HARD the last 1/2 a mile or so (and my heartrate was showing it!!)--and the push PAID OFF!! I ended up PR'ing at....
I haven't said much about my previous runs--but my very first race (a virtual put on by a friend) I logged in my 5K at 35:11 (I believe). My 1st in person race--I logged in a time of 34:28--I was SHOCKED when I logged that time--I had been running pretty consistent 36:00 5K's the few weeks before--so it was pleasant surprise!!!! SOO---if you take my 1st official timed race--to this one--From September 2011 to February 2012--I have lowered my 5K time by 1 full minute!! Which, I thought was pretty darn good! It is however, just a few seconds less than my November 5K time!
It was a good run--however I was noticing how crazy my heartrate was. It was sitting for the majority of my run in the 170's. And at the end (when I was really really really pushing) it was above 190! Crazy right?!
Official race results were posted--and out of 193 participants I was ranked 102! I was hoping for the top 1/2, but I think I came pretty darn close!! And out of 156 women participants I ranked 75th!!!! Which IS in the top half!! Woot woot! I am completely happy with those results!!
My dad also ran the race "with" me--logging in a 35:11 5K time! His 2nd best!! I can't wait for our next race where we will be running together in person!! :) My dad started his running journey with me when I was at his house--and he has been such a great running partner! He and I continue to push each other in a positive direction!!! We plan to complete the 12 races in 12 months goal TOGETHER! :)
I thank For the Love of the Kids for sponsoring a great race!!!
And finally--some pictures! :)
About Ready to get my Run on! :) |
My race "trail"--the good ol' treadmill! |
Thank you YMCA for a great run! 2 down--10 to go! :) |
At home, with my race shirt and number! |
Monday, February 13, 2012
The Night Before a Race...
Tomorrow I will run my February race!! :) It is the For the Love of the Children virtual race! :) I am excited to run---but not so excited to be running it on the treadmill :( We got snow today--and the roads are quite slick, plus--I have to run in the evening--and my town (which is very very small--and has very very very little crime) has been having some car break-ins and odd happenings going on, which makes me VERY VERY paranoid! So--treadmill it is! I am hoping it can help me log in an AWESOME run!
Sunday my mother-in-law graciously offered to watch the boys to let Justin and I have the afternoon to go out to eat--I had made mention to Justin about wanting/needing to get a run in, but that I would like him to be there (in case I had an issue with my dizziness that is still hanging around)--he also wanted to beat my brother's time/distance from the night before--so off we headed to the local Y (We are YMCA members here--and most Y's have an "away" program) and off we ran! I put in a good 5.65ish miles in about 1:15--my husband however put in 8.25 miles in 1:15!!! How crazy is that?! I was having a crazy time with the treadmill--so I stopped short of the 10K I was trying to run! It was still a good (ish) run! Especially for not running all the week before--I think I did pretty good!!
I am looking forward to logging in a strong 5K time tomorrow!! :) We shall see where the treadmill takes me! :P
Have a fabulous Valentine's Day everyone!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
I was going to run on Sunday-but couldn't find the motivation, and decided that I could run later in the day-welp, I totally forgot that I had a Superbowl party one of Justin's co-worker's invited us to. So, no running on Sunday for me.
Monday morning about 3 am I woke up EXTREMELY dizzy. Like, so dizzy it was making me sick to my stomach. And, the kicker--I didn't feel like I was going to pass-out, I literally just felt like the world was spinning and I could do anything to stop it. I decided going back to sleep would make it go away. I got up for work and the world had somewhat stopped spinning. Monday was rough--and while I REALLY wanted to run on Monday--I figured running was probably not in my best interest--as I could barely walk in a straight line. Yesterday and today--I am still having some dizzy spells, but they are slowly getting better. I was going to run tonight but I think I am just going to go ahead and stretch some and take it easy.
Needless to say--my training hasn't been the greatest! I signed up this week for my February race! That one is "on" Valentine's Day--and is a 5K. This is a virtual 5K (although I do get an official bib and TECH shirt! Woot woot!).
I am super nervous for my March race however. It is a 10K--and I am just afraid I am not going to be ready to add that kind of mileage. However, I do feel that the schedule Hal Higdon has set up I could do, counting back from race day to where I would land on the schedule! I can run 4 miles on a "long" run, therefore I am right on que with where he wants me to be. However, my runs during the week really need to increase! I have just been really lazy with it being dark out before I get home!
So after my 10K I am trying to figure out my next step--do I just do a 1/2 marathon training--and start the full after my 1st in 1/2 in June (and/or July) or--do I just start the full training and just repeat it? Decisions Decisions.....le sigh.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Freeze Your Thorns Off 5K
Anyway--long story short--I haven't gotten to exercise AT ALL this week :( Usually I can fit in a run or SOMETHING during the week, however--it was just not happening this week.
I was cautious as I went out to run my 5K. I honestly didn't know what to expect, but I knew that if something felt off I was going to slow down and take it easy. It IS a race, but having to deal with dry sockets or starting the healing process over is NOT my ideal of fun.
I set out--I have to say for being the middle of January, it was a lovely 40* with barely any wind to speak of, and the roads were completely clear of any and all snow! A perfect day for a beautiful run!
The infamous picture! :) I love running this path--it is so simple, so peaceful, so beautiful!
So miles 2 and 3--I really have no idea my pace because they were on a different run. I lost some time, and my groove--therefore making the run that much harder :(
I however--finished strong with a 35:53 race time! Not spectacular, and definitely not my PR--but, it is what it is! I feel pretty good about this--especially given I thought I was going to have to walk a good portion of this race (and ended up not having to at all!).
Race #1 DONE! 11 more to go! :)
Up next: For the Love of the Children 5K on Feb. 14th! :)
The Journey
I remember running my 1st race. Sept. 17th--it was the Race for Hope. This race benefited our local cancer center, and helped those with ALL types of cancer. I LOVED the thrill that I got when I ran that race. At the end--I noticed that I was going to clock a time UNDER 35 minutes if I just booked it!! It was AWESOME and I was so proud. I ran with this shirt:

This logo says it all!
The 2nd race I ran was another 5K--it was the Hot Chocolate 5K. It was an amazing run! Yet again--beat my PR--33:31 :)
As 2011 came to a close--I knew I had to set a lofty goal for 2012. So I did. 12 Races in 12 months. All in memory of her. 2 of them, I am fundraising for--the rest, I am doing in honor of her battle, her fight. But--also, because I am really starting enjoy running. For the health benefit and for the freeing feeling it has been given me!
So you ask--why am I telling you this? Because well, today started that Journey. Those 12 races! The next post will be a race recap for my 1st race of the year! :)
Here is the line-up. My goal was to run races that supports local (and not so local) cancer patients! They don't all, but I tried. And the 2 big races are the 1/2 Marathon in July and the Full Marathon in October!
January- Freeze your Thorns Off 5K—January 28th (Virtual—Free)
February- For the Love of the Kids 5K—February 14th (Virtual)
March- Leprechan Chase 10K—March 10th (Ashland NE)
April- Race for Grace 10K—April 14th 2010 (Grand Island, NE)
June- Laugh and a Half marathon—June 16th (Norfolk, NE)
July- Rock and Roll ½ Marathon—July 22nd (Chicago, IL)
September: Race for Hope—Sioux City, IA
October: Des Moines FULL Marathon – October 21s (Des Moines, IA)
November: Hot Chocolate 5K (or maybe 15K) (Chicago, IL)
December: Ho Ho Ho Holiday 5K (Virtual Race sponsored by ME!)
The links won't work unless you copy and paste them--but if you wanted to learn more they are there! :)