Last week I had a beautiful week of training. I hadn't done a ton of running, but I managed to get some cross training in! I had been wanting to try a class at the Y called "Tour De Y" which is a mix of spin and free weight exercises! It was TOUGH--but felt great! Love it! Then, Friday I got busy working in my classroom and missed my Friday night Yoga/Pilates/Thai Chi class (its called Centergy)--so I decided just to work out instead! Justin (my husband) had been telling about this new bike that was HARD--and I decided to give it a try. Well it was WAY harder than I ever expected a bike ride to be!! I managed to put 4 miles in on the bike, although I wanted to stop at 2...I managed to somehow make it 4. Then I decided to log in 2 miles on the treadmill! Both felt really good!
I was going to run on Sunday-but couldn't find the motivation, and decided that I could run later in the day-welp, I totally forgot that I had a Superbowl party one of Justin's co-worker's invited us to. So, no running on Sunday for me.
Monday morning about 3 am I woke up EXTREMELY dizzy. Like, so dizzy it was making me sick to my stomach. And, the kicker--I didn't feel like I was going to pass-out, I literally just felt like the world was spinning and I could do anything to stop it. I decided going back to sleep would make it go away. I got up for work and the world had somewhat stopped spinning. Monday was rough--and while I REALLY wanted to run on Monday--I figured running was probably not in my best interest--as I could barely walk in a straight line. Yesterday and today--I am still having some dizzy spells, but they are slowly getting better. I was going to run tonight but I think I am just going to go ahead and stretch some and take it easy.
Needless to say--my training hasn't been the greatest! I signed up this week for my February race! That one is "on" Valentine's Day--and is a 5K. This is a virtual 5K (although I do get an official bib and TECH shirt! Woot woot!).
I am super nervous for my March race however. It is a 10K--and I am just afraid I am not going to be ready to add that kind of mileage. However, I do feel that the schedule Hal Higdon has set up I could do, counting back from race day to where I would land on the schedule! I can run 4 miles on a "long" run, therefore I am right on que with where he wants me to be. However, my runs during the week really need to increase! I have just been really lazy with it being dark out before I get home!
So after my 10K I am trying to figure out my next step--do I just do a 1/2 marathon training--and start the full after my 1st in 1/2 in June (and/or July) or--do I just start the full training and just repeat it? Decisions Decisions.....le sigh.
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