Friday, February 24, 2012

Leprechaun 10K

I am currently training for the Leprechaun Chase 10K on March 10th.  This is no easy task as far as I am concerned.  Up until last July I had never been a distance runner--let alone a runner at all!  I barely could walk a couple of miles let alone run them!!  So--you can imagine what its been like!

The last month has been up and down!  I had a wisdom tooth pulled the end of January--and ended up getting Vertigo a few weeks ago--my training has spotty!  But--I am so happy to say the last 2 weeks I have gotten some GREAT training in! :)

Last Sunday I ran 6.2 miles for the VERY first time!  I wanted to see A) how long it would take me and B) see how long 6.2 miles REALLY is! :P  I had also decided that I was going to take a different approach to my "long runs" (which I have always done on the weekends!).  I wear a heart rate strap/watch to monitor my heart rate while I run.  I got this fabulous watch for Christmas this year!  And I have done some research about heart rates and running.  I have watched my heart rate for a few weeks--and decided that my max heart rate sits at about 200.  Minimum I am not sure--but usually around 88/90.  My "optimal" heartrate--that I feel best when I am running and can keep my breathing and body in control is about 160.  So I decided to keep my heart rate at/around 160.  And I must say--I ran all but less than .1 of the run!  I was battling some crazy headwind and ended up getting a horrible side cramp I needed to walk/stretch it out!  Once that was accomplished I started running again!  I was shocked at how well my body performed and how "easy" (I say that lightly) it was to complete the full 6.2.  My time was super slow--coming in at just under 1:20.  For the 1st time ever running this distance--and the fact that I was basing my pace off of my heartrate I feel pretty good about this!

This week I have actually logged the most miles I think ever!  :)  Which--is awesome-and I really am feeling great!  I was a little worried that I would be dealing with some muscle issues with jumping into the 6.2 on Sunday--but in reality--aside from some major fatigue on Sunday evening afterwards--I have felt really good this week!

Tuesday I did my first ever speedwork!  I did this run on the treadmill and I think I will continue to do so because I am HORRIBLE at running a constant speed outside.  Although I may do some timed sprints vs. distance sprints--we shall see!  It was an interesting experience--and I hope to continue to do a speed workout at least once a week to not only improve speed but also help lengthen my stride!  The distance I was supposed to cover was 3 miles--I did a little over 3.5!

Yesterday I was scheduled a short 2 mile run, however we got a crazy snowstorm and I wasn't about to venture anywhere I didn't HAVE to be last night so I skipped it.  I decided to hit the gym again today and do two FAST miles.  This I believe is called a "tempo" run.  The research I have done about this says it helps to build your muscles lactic acid threshold.  Helping you "run through the pain" basically!  Even so--I ran 2 miles--averaging a 9:58 mile for both!  Which is AWESOME!! :)  And it was hard--but felt pretty good!  I wanted to stop halfway through--but I kept on pushing knowing that the end was in sight!! And 2 miles is pretty easy!

Total this week I logged about 12 miles--which doesn't seem like a lot--but this is likely my highest mileage week so far! :)  I can't wait to see that number continue to increase!!  :)

Oh--and I am sure you are wondering what the heck I am basing my mileage off of??  I am using the Hal Higdon 10K program.  The link is found here: Hal Higdon 10K Program  I intend to use his programs for both my 1/2 marathon training (that will start after this 10K in March) and the full marathon training (that will start at the end of June!)  I have heard great things--plus there are apps to go along with these programs!  Which, for me, is a TOTAL bonus! :)

Overall--I am getting excited for the Leprechaun Chase 10K in March!  I however, am NOT looking forward to getting another wisdom tooth pulled Tuesday.  Wish me luck--because I need to be back to running by Thursday to stay on track.  Eeks!

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