Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Scared and very worried.

Training has been going so horrible as of lately.  Seriously horrible.  I can't seem to get over a few miles before I hit a wall.  I feel like my body is sweating 500,000x what it normally does--and its just gross!

I have been trying to get out on the road consistently--but life is surely crazy!  I just got a 2nd job--meaning I am working 8-12 teaching, and then random other times--Monday I worked from 8-12 teaching and then 1-9:45 at my 2nd job!  My feet hurt SOOO bad when I got home! 

Yesterday I just didn't feel up to it.  It was HOT HOT HOT out (I am talking 103* heat index with humidity like you wouldn't ever imagine!)  I had intended to do a workout inside--but it just didn't happen!

Today--thankfully I made it to the gym to run on the treadmill!  I ran a full 2 miles (horrible horrible horrible!) and my body felt really good---but my breathing wasn't quite in control--and I just lost it towards the end.  I wasn't going fast by any means--but between me being really hot, super sweaty, and dizzy--I just shut down.  The good news--I forced myself to do 2 miles on the bike (My husband just happened to begin a bike ride as I was trying to decide if I wanted to lift some weights).  That was hard--and definitely targeted some crazy muscles!!  BUT--it was a good workout--and every mile counts towards getting me where I need to be!

One of the hardest things I am facing: dizziness.  I have been facing this on and off for quite some time (February I think is when it started).  It got much better for awhile--but around Mother's Day started getting MUCH worse.  Went to the dr.--they gave me a round of steroids--they helped for a short time, but other than making me gain some crazy weight--it is now back :(  And--something I haven't experience before--its now back when I am running/exercising.  I completed my 2 miles on the bike just in time--as I got off I was really dizzy and started seeing spots (which I know all to well from my high school days that it is the pre-cursor to fainting).  I am just not sure what to think.  They did a blood work-up and everything came back perfect.  So I just...don't know. 

The 1/2 marathon is a month from Friday.  A MONTH.  I am FREAKING OUT.  I can't even go a freakin 5K let along 13.1 miles!!  My training has been so crappy lately--and it has been so hot outside.  I am just scared.  How am I EVER going to complete this.  Thankfully it is in a  MONTH and not a WEEK.  But it is still very daunting.  I can't believe I let myself loose so much valuable training time!  Mother's Day I ran a very strong 7 mile run.  It felt AMAZING!  I kid you not--and now here I sit--trying to run 2-3 miles with difficulty :( 

So there you have it.  The cold hard truth.  I am scared shitless of my 1/2 marathon.  It is so close--and I am so far from being "trained" for it.  Yikes yikes yikes.


  1. Christine,
    The time you finish in is not can walk part of it...what matters...really matters is that you are doing it for her...with her at your side...cheering you every step.
    And as your need to go to the doctor again

  2. Your mom is right... get back to the Dr., even a different one if necessary.
    As for your race, I know you are determined, and will finish, no matter what. You just need to listen to your body and take care of yourself, sweetie!!!!
