Monday, February 13, 2012

The Night Before a Race...

I am usually super nervous!  I get these butterfly's and its hard to sleep...I think about how Grandma would be feeling if she was here.  I think about how much I would love for her to be watching us race.  I often shed a tear or two--missing her, but knowing how she really is here with us.  Her spirit lives on through all of us--but especially in my boys.  It's amazing to see them--to watch Noah and Owen growing up--to hear Noah talking about her and the memories she made with him.  And Owen--oh man, Owen.  He will probably never remember her--he was too young--but man does he have her personality.  He is so fiesty--such a fighter--and such a silly goose!  He is just as stubborn as she was too!  Probably even more so!  And last night--he showed his true "Grandma Ginnis" personality by waking up around 10:30 wide awake--wanting to hang out and be a night owl!  Oh she would have just gobbled him up--spending all those hours watching movies with him--snuggling all his toddlerness!  Anyway...enough of that....

Tomorrow I will run my February race!! :)  It is the For the Love of the Children virtual race! :)  I am excited to run---but not so excited to be running it on the treadmill :(  We got snow today--and the roads are quite slick, plus--I have to run in the evening--and my town (which is very very small--and has very very very little crime) has been having some car break-ins and odd happenings going on, which makes me VERY VERY paranoid!  So--treadmill it is!  I am hoping it can help me log in an AWESOME run! 

Sunday my mother-in-law graciously offered to watch the boys to let Justin and I have the afternoon to go out to eat--I had made mention to Justin about wanting/needing to get a run in, but that I would like him to be there (in case I had an issue with my dizziness that is still hanging around)--he also wanted to beat my brother's time/distance from the night before--so off we headed to the local Y (We are YMCA members here--and most Y's have an "away" program) and off we ran!  I put in a good 5.65ish miles in about 1:15--my husband however put in 8.25 miles in 1:15!!!  How crazy is that?!  I was having a crazy time with the treadmill--so I stopped short of the 10K I was trying to run!  It was still a good (ish) run!  Especially for not running all the week before--I think I did pretty good!! 

I am looking forward to logging in a strong 5K time tomorrow!! :)  We shall see where the treadmill takes me! :P

Have a fabulous Valentine's Day everyone!

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