Saturday, February 18, 2012

For the Love of the Kids 5K

My 2nd race of the year was a 5K on Valentine's Day!!  This was another virtual run, but this run was for a charity and had an entry fee along with it!  I though, got some fun goodies!  A technical shirt, an official bib, a finisher's certificate, and official race results posted!! :)  The great thing about virtual races--you can do them where ever!!  I opted to race indoors--because it snowed Monday--and while the temperature wasn't to bad at all on Tuesday--the roads still had some snow on them, and well, I was really hoping to PR for this race!!! :)

I decided to run my 5K on the treadmill at our local YMCA!  It was the best choice for me--and proved to me good! :)

My run started out really well!  I felt really good through mile 1!  I had really found my groove--and my music (Thank You Pandora Endurance Station!) was really keeping me going!  I was hoping to not walk any of my 5K--but at about 1/2 way through my heart rate was climbing really high--and I knew if I wanted to PR that I needed to take a short walk break to get my heart rate down.  I walked 1:30 seconds of my entire 5K.  Which, is good and bad.  After that walk break I made a vow that I was going to run the rest.  About 2.7 miles into my 3.1 race my heartrate was once again--in the 190's--so I decided to take a very short break.  I felt very defeated that I had to take yet ANOTHER walk break--so I made this one super short because well, I was SOOO close to the end.  I pushed hard--and I mean HARD the last 1/2 a mile or so (and my heartrate was showing it!!)--and the push PAID OFF!!  I ended up PR'ing at....


I haven't said much about my previous runs--but my very first race (a virtual put on by a friend) I logged in my 5K at 35:11 (I believe).  My 1st in person race--I logged in a time of 34:28--I was SHOCKED when I logged that time--I had been running pretty consistent 36:00 5K's the few weeks before--so it was pleasant surprise!!!!  SOO---if you take my 1st official timed race--to this one--From September 2011 to February 2012--I have lowered my 5K time by 1 full minute!!  Which, I thought was pretty darn good!  It is however, just a few seconds less than my November 5K time!

It was a good run--however I was noticing how crazy my heartrate was.  It was sitting for the majority of my run in the 170's.  And at the end (when I was really really really pushing) it was above 190!  Crazy right?!

Official race results were posted--and out of 193 participants I was ranked 102!  I was hoping for the top 1/2, but I think I came pretty darn close!!  And out of 156 women participants I ranked 75th!!!!  Which IS in the top half!! Woot woot!   I am completely happy with those results!!

My dad also ran the race "with" me--logging in a 35:11 5K time!  His 2nd best!!  I can't wait for our next race where we will be running together in person!! :)  My dad started his running journey with me when I was at his house--and he has been such a great running partner!  He and I continue to push each other in a positive direction!!!  We plan to complete the 12 races in 12 months goal TOGETHER! :)

I thank For the Love of the Kids for sponsoring a great race!!!

And finally--some pictures! :)
About Ready to get my Run on! :)

My race "trail"--the good ol' treadmill!

Thank you YMCA for a great run!  2 down--10 to go! :)

At home, with my race shirt and number! 

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