Monday, September 10, 2012

Wow so long...and so few runs :(

These last 2 months have been so crazy that I am still trying to wrap my head around how to keep things moving in a forward direction and above water!  Let alone getting runs in there!

There have been a few things that have ultimately come up really changing up my running schedule.  Even as much as completely changing the race I REALLY REALLY wanted to run this year.  The Des Moines Half Marathon.  Basically it boiled down to this: Run in the Des Moines 1/2 or risk loosing one last opportunity to spend some good memory making time with my Grandma.  As you can all assume--I am going to make memories.  If there was one thing I have learned through all of this--its making memories ALWAYS comes first and foremost.  Family and loved ones.

SOO...instead of doing that--I am actually going to be running a really awesomely cool sounding virtual race called the ""  This is a 10 mile race that you have 10 days to complete.  I am not sure how I will do it--but the catch is that you HAVE TO run through a "water feature"--so I am scoping out a good place to run through a water feature!  I wish we had cool splash parks around here--however we don't!  Although I wonder if I can escape from our memory making weekend (which also includes a wedding!) to run through a water feature in St. Louis!  How cool would that be?!  Ya I thought so too!!  I am excited though!

This coming Saturday I have a 5K--to which I might die!!  I have VERY VERY VERY little training put in for this run--therefore it could be a bit miserable...but I am just going to get out there.  I LOVE this race--and it was where it all started for me!  SO I am definitely going back!  Even if I have to walk half of it-I AM going back!

November will be the Hot Chocolate 5K!  I gotta register for it as soon as I get the go ahead from hubby! :)  I am super excited as the swag includes an awesome finishers "mug/bowl" and a technical hoodie!  Woot woot!  Its also a super fun race all together!  Hopefully the atmosphere of this weekend can throw me back into my running!

December will be my virtual race!  Still working out details in my brain!  But hopefully in October I can get some information out to you! :)

So there you have has been super duper busy--but I wouldn't change it for the world! :)